JAG Reporter Articles

The JAG Reporter is published by The Judge Advocate General’s School for the Office of The Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force. Use the navigation links to view articles in the various domains: Civil Law, Leadership, Military Justice & Discipline, and Operations & International Law. Also don't forget to explore our podcasts!


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  • How AI Saved JA

    Innovation Writing Competition entry. How AI Saved JA: Transforming the Base Legal Office by Mr. Ryan Oakley.

  • Acquiring Machine-Readable Data

    This article presents contracting and program management best practices on how to negotiate for the delivery of and rights to AI-Ready data, including sample clauses that can be used in all contracts and agreements.

  • The Centaur’s Dilemma

    The eye-opening moment of The Centaur’s Dilemma comes when you realize you are not only gaining a profound perspective into National Security Law but you also learn how AI implications are in almost every legal practice area.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 4

    Part one of a two-part interview with Colonel Frank Coppersmith. This first episode focuses on Artificial Intelligence at-large including what some of the leading minds think about AI.

  • Autonomous Weapons Need Autonomous Lawyers

    Timely adoption of AI inside today’s U.S. Air Force legal practice will be essential for attorneys trying to keep pace with clients and organizations now operating at Internet speed and cloud computing scale.