JAG Reporter Articles

The JAG Reporter is published by The Judge Advocate General’s School for the Office of The Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force. Use the navigation links to view articles in the various domains: Civil Law, Leadership, Military Justice & Discipline, and Operations & International Law. Also don't forget to explore our podcasts!


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  • Empowering mothers and serving justice

    Passion and love for technology and networking led TSgt Renna Brakefield, Judge Advocate General's School paralegal instructor, to enlist in 2012.

  • Paralegal Deployments

    A paralegal reflects on his deployment experiences through the lens of an Airman first and a legal professional second.

  • PADE

    The evolution of the Paralegal Advanced Developmental Education Course (PADE).

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 43

    Part two of the interview with CMSgt Lisa List and MSgt Troy Tobaben on the paralegal career field within the Air Reserve Component.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 42

    We speak with CMSgt Lisa List and MSgt Troy Tobaben on the paralegal career field within the Air Reserve Component.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 30

    We sit down with Master Sergeant Austin Hardin, an active duty Air Force paralegal, to discuss his 2013 combat experience in Afghanistan which earned him a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his heroic actions in an insurgent convoy attack.