JAG Reporter Articles

The JAG Reporter is published by The Judge Advocate General’s School for the Office of The Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force. Use the navigation links to view articles in the various domains: Civil Law, Leadership, Military Justice & Discipline, and Operations & International Law. Also don't forget to explore our podcasts!


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  • Fundamentals of Good Leadership

    We look back to a Keystone Leadership Summit speech given by Major General (Ret.) John D. Altenburg, Jr. on the fundamentals of good leadership and successful organizations.

  • Celebrating

    Continuing with our celebration of Women's History Month, we had the opportunity to interview Brigadier General Gail E. Crawford, Director, Military Justice and Discipline Directorate. She provides her experiences and thoughts on leadership and inclusivity.

  • Reflections on Leadership

    Women's History Month offers an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions women have made to society, in both the past and the present.