JAG Reporter Articles

The JAG Reporter is published by The Judge Advocate General’s School for the Office of The Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force. Use the navigation links to view articles in the various domains: Civil Law, Leadership, Military Justice & Discipline, and Operations & International Law. Also don't forget to explore our podcasts!


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  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 56

    We sit down with the Air University Law Chair, Lt Col Charles Gartland and discuss The Caine Mutiny, the 1951 Pulitzer-prize winning novel by Herman Wouk. We’ll extract its lessons on leadership, followership, and the nature of military command.

  • Nothing. Everything.

    Fulfillment covers a lot of ground, but it is a book about the tertiary effects of e-commerce on both America as a whole and, in particular, the Rust Belt.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 55

    Major Davis guides us through a conversation with Lt Col Robert Vorhees and Lt Col Justin Swick, two Air Force medical law attorneys, about the Defense Health Agency transition, which has changed the landscape of the Military Health System.