JAG Reporter Articles

The JAG Reporter is published by The Judge Advocate General’s School for the Office of The Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force. Use the navigation links to view articles in the various domains: Civil Law, Leadership, Military Justice & Discipline, and Operations & International Law. Also don't forget to explore our podcasts!


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  • Understanding Environmental Remediation On An Air Force Installation

    Air Force bases have rich histories that predate legislation describing how hazardous substances should be handled and disposed; and the military mission inherently involves various substances, solvents, fuels and munitions, that make their way into the subsurface and groundwater.

  • Advising the Undocumented Military Spouse

    Although both parole in place and DACA may offer the undocumented military spouse peace of mind, legal assistance attorneys should ensure clients fully understand the benefits and limitations of each type of relief, as well as the eligibility criteria for both.

  • Nothing Says ‘I Love You’ Like a Contract

    As legal assistance attorneys and paralegals, we draft our clients’ requested estate planning documents, oversee document execution, and generally consider our work done. But it is also our job to ensure that clients’ later efforts to use their estate documents are as painless as possible.

  • How to Achieve Success in Federal Magistrate Court

    Beyond the relevant AFI, there is little Air Force guidance available to JAGs on the administration and prosecution of magistrate court cases. This article identifies four practical ways JAGs can achieve success as SAUSAs in federal magistrate court ...

  • A Movement for Temperance

    This article first contemplates our responsibility to guide Airmen with lessons of temperance learned from life in the glass house and offers the philosophy of a “stoic” Prisoner of War (P.O.W.) in Vietnam.