JAG Reporter Articles

The JAG Reporter is published by The Judge Advocate General’s School for the Office of The Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force. Use the navigation links to view articles in the various domains: Civil Law, Leadership, Military Justice & Discipline, and Operations & International Law. Also don't forget to explore our podcasts!


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  • The Captain’s Choice

    A leadership lesson in attitude. You can’t always control what happens around you, or even to you, but in every situation you always have a choice to make.

  • Avoiding Voir Dire Pitfalls

    This article will provide guidance and some best practices you can employ when preparing for voir dire in the military courtroom.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 5

    Part two of a 2-part interview with Colonel Frank Coppersmith. In part 2, we hone in on AI’s role in military legal practice.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 4

    Part one of a two-part interview with Colonel Frank Coppersmith. This first episode focuses on Artificial Intelligence at-large including what some of the leading minds think about AI.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 3

    Part two of the interview with Col Cynthia Kearley on "10 Leadership Legacy Lessons." These leadership lessons were built upon a heritage experience where Col Kearley interviewed the late Brig Gen Chester Taylor, who was a pioneer in the Air Force JAG Corps.

  • AFJAGS Podcast, Episode 2

    Part one of an interview with Col Cynthia Kearley on 10 leadership legacy lessons. These leadership lessons were built upon a heritage experience where Col Kearley interviewed the late Brig Gen Chester Taylor, who was a pioneer in the Air Force JAG Corps.